Newsletter: Access to Education All Year Round


Date: Jan. 9, 2015

Dear Friend --

This week marked the beginning of the 114th Congress. We have a lot of work to do over the next two years, from passing immigration reform to raising the minimum wage to investing in our aging infrastructure.

I'm starting this Congress strong by introducing a bill to make college education accessible to all. My All-Year ACCESS Act will prevent dropouts and student loan defaults by bridging so-called Pell Grant "gap semesters.'

The Pell Grant is a need-based federal grant that once covered the entire cost of college but now only covers just one-third of the cost of a public four-year college. What's worse is that the current grant only covers tuition from Fall to Spring.

That means students trying to accelerate their education through summer or intersession semesters have to take out more loans or simply skip the semester entirely. Studies show that students who face a "gap semester' are more likely to put a hold on their studies, default on student loans or drop out altogether.

Congress should pass my All-Year ACCESS Act, which bridges the gap for these students by restoring year-round Pell Grants and allowing both part-time and full-time students to receive the grant. Our economy depends on the strength of our workforce - strength built upon access to education for all, all year round.

Very truly yours,

Loretta Sanchez
